Don't forget to join your neighbors at the clubhouse next week for our first annual July 4th festivities. Kids can decorate their bikes, cars and wagons to march in the parade around the clubhouse. A prize will be awarded for the best decorated entry! Adults: come watch the parade and stay for refreshments at the clubhouse afterwards. More information is in the attached graphic.
A prize will also be awarded for the most patriotic home in Mustang Park, so go all out with the red, white and blue! The home with the most festive decorations will be announced at the parade and will receive a $50 Home Depot gift card.
A few volunteers are needed for small things the morning of the parade. Contact Suzana Holland (suzana.holland@gmail.com) with questions or to volunteer.
We'll see you all at 10 a.m. on the 4th!

Click here to download and read the Mustang Park July 4 Parade Flyer