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Upcoming Work at the Pool

We wanted to send an update on the work that is being done at the pool, as the Board is working hard to get it ready for pool season.

There have been several items that have been repaired, or replaced, most were covered under warranty, and cost the HOA nothing to have replaced.

The work on the resurfacing of the pool will begin next week in earnest. This is a normal maintenance project that needs to be done about every 10 years. As the pool is now about 14 years old, the surface has reached is expected useful life.

The Contractor will be draining the pool, and updating, repairing and resurfacing the interior surface of the pool. This work should take a couple of weeks, and will not effect pool operations, as the pool equipment will be shut off during this time.

Due to this work happening, the chains will be removed from the gates at the pool, to allow the contractor to enter. We do ask that owners not go into the pool area during this work, as that may interfere with the work, and possibly delay the process.

Also, if you are planning an event at the Community Center, please refrain from going into the pool area, as this may also interfere and delay the work.

As soon as we are able to get the work done, and the pool permitted for use, we encourage owners to come and look at the finished work.

Thank you for your understanding and cooperation during this process.

Mustang Park HOA

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